Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pat is Back!

Hello there. So, under the assumption that someone reads this, I'll update it.

Yesterday Pat came back to Reno and we jammed for a few hours. It sure was fun. We're rehearsing on tuesday and we'll continue work on our new demos, hopefully getting some more drum tracks finished. Also, this Sunday we'll be playing with Voted Best Band at the Zephyr. Should be a blast.

While Pat is here in Reno before his adventure in South America we're planning on playing as many shows as possible, which could be anywhere between none and a bunch. Pat and I are also planning on writing the last five or six songs for the new record so that we can demo them and have drums and bass finished before he leaves, totaling 20 or 21 new songs!

Muffstache should be off to press before next week.

That's about it. Look out for the new artwork in the next week or so.

- Chris

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